Department of Sculpture, Academy of Fine Arts and Design



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Oddelek za kiparstvo, Akademija za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje (ALU0)
Erjavčeva 23, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 421 2500

The Department of Sculpture is one of four departments at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, the main educational institution for visual arts and design in Slovenia. A part of the University of Ljubljana, the Academy was established in 1945. The Department of Painting shares a library with the departments of painting and restoration.

Since 2009 the Department of Sculpture offers a reformed programme of study. About 10 students are accepted each year into the three-year undergraduate programme; the selection is made based on a submitted portfolio and the admission exam score. Students in the sculpture programme of study do not choose a main subject of study, but may choose optional subjects.


The courses can be taken as full-time, part-time, or parallel studies. One study year has 60 credit points (ECTS) and consists of practical work (studio time) and theoretical work (lectures and seminars).

The study of sculpture is an interdisciplinary study. In the beginning students gain practical competence of modelling, casting, carving, welding or otherwise producing a portrait and a figure. Further study includes formulation of ideas, developing concepts and reflecting upon their realisation by individual and peer group learning. Final year students usually produce a group art project and the University of Ljubljana's Prešeren Award is bestowed to the outstanding students.

At the end of every semester a students' exhibition is held at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design. Selected students can also exhibit their works on group exhibitions and festivals during the school year (for example, Speculum Artium Festival). Every year the department organises excursions for students (to Venice, Vienna, Zagreb, London, Graz, Munich, etc.).

A two-year masters programme is expected to start in the academic year 2012/13. Students will be able to choose their mentors. For now the Academy of Fine Arts and Design does not offer a programme of doctoral study.

International cooperation

The Academy of Fine Arts and Design has a bilateral agreement with many foreign academies across Europe and offers different student exchanges, including CEEPUS and Erasmus. Incoming students are expected to speak English and are welcome to participate in all practical courses by their choice. The theoretical courses are in Slovenian language but Erasmus students can participate in them through individual study.

See also

External links

Oddelek za kiparstvo, Akademija za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje (ALU0) +
46.05 +
Oddelek za kiparstvo, Akademija za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje (ALU0) +
14.496 +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Erjavčeva 23 +
The Department of Sculpture is one of four departments at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, the main educational institution for visual arts and design in Slovenia. +
The Department of Sculpture is one of four departments at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, the main educational institution for visual arts and design in Slovenia. +
+386 / 1 421 2500 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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